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  • A.

    Sidewalk Design and Construction Standards. Sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of this section. The Director is authorized to grant modifications upon specific application, as well as alternative design proposals after receiving a recommendation from staff.


    All sidewalks required under this section must be installed and the construction accepted by the Director prior to a certificate of occupancy being issued for any building or structure on any affected parcel.


    All sidewalks shall conform to AASHTO, latest edition and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, latest edition and to all applicable overlay district guidelines and standards.


    Sidewalks are required to be represented on design plans and development plans and installed in accordance with such plans along the total property frontage on public streets as required by the Director.




    Sidewalks shall be at least five feet wide on internal subdivision streets and abutting external streets.


    Multiuse trails and side paths shall have a minimum width of twelve feet or as directed by AASHTO.


    If the street is part of an approved sidewalk, pathway or transportation plan, then the width and location of the sidewalk shall conform to the requirements of the approved plan or as approved by the Director.


    Wider sidewalks or multiuse trails shall be installed by the developer as required by the Director or Cross Section Standards.




    Sidewalk and multiuse trails shall be provided with a minimum graded shoulder width of two feet.


    A five-foot graded shoulder may be required to support alternative uses, including but not limited to, equestrian activities and mountain bikes.


    Transitions. Where new sidewalks tie in to existing sidewalks of a different width or where the proposed sidewalk must change width then the transition shall be made in a gradual manner at a rate of 5:1.


    Noncompliant sidewalks. In all areas where the condition or design of the sidewalk and curb ramps do not conform to this chapter or is otherwise deemed unsatisfactory, the existing sidewalk shall be removed and replaced in conformance with this chapter.


    Landscape strips.


    Sidewalks shall be located at least two feet from the back of curb or as directed by the Cross Section Standards.


    In areas where a setback from the curb cannot be provided due to unusual site conditions, the Director may approve the installation of the sidewalk at the back of curb. In these areas the sidewalk width may be increased to allow a minimum of four feet of clearance from any portion of an obstruction that must be located adjacent to the roadway, i.e., mailboxes, etc.


    Where the Director has determined a practical difficulty exists, the sidewalk is installed no closer than the edge of the road or the back of the curb.


    Meandering sidewalks. Where trees or other conditions exist, the Director works may permit the sidewalks to meander in the right-of-way or into the lot where the permit is being sought. Meandering sidewalks may be approved by the Director where necessary to avoid obstructions in the right-of-way that may otherwise be too costly to relocate or in compliance with the standard details. If sidewalk meanders outside the existing right-of-way, right-of-way dedication or sidewalk easement shall be required.


    Cross slope. Sidewalks shall be constructed with a maximum cross slope of two percent or as required by ADA. Sidewalks shall not exceed this cross slope at driveway crossings.




    Sidewalks shall be constructed of concrete at least four inches thick. Concrete shall be Class "B" (as defined by GDOT) with a minimum strength of 3,000 PSI at 28 days.


    Alternate materials may be required in special overlay or historic districts.


    Final stabilization. Disturbed areas resulting from sidewalk construction shall be backfilled, stabilized, and grassed or landscaped.


    GDOT controlled roads. Sidewalks located in the right-of-way of roads under the jurisdiction of GDOT shall be constructed in accordance with GDOT design and construction standards.


    Sidewalks shall be provided on both sides of all roads and driveways, except for roads/driveways serving 3 lots or less of single family residences.


    Sidewalk Curb Ramp Design and Construction Standards.


    Handicapped accessible curb ramps with detectable warning strips shall be provided at street intersections in accordance with GDOT design and construction standards, with the exception of Type C, which shall not be allowed.


    All curb ramps shall be provided with detectable warning strips that comply with state and federal ADA specifications.


    Color of detectable warning strip shall be terracotta (not yellow).


    Installation method shall be per GDOT standards using cast in place mats instead of adhesive installation. (A cast in place mat has anchors on the back of the mat, which is installed prior to concrete curing). Stamped concrete tactile or brick insert tactile shall be allowed with the approval of the Director.


    Drainage at curb ramps shall be designed to avoid ponding within or flooding of the pedestrian path.


    Damage Repair. Damage to sidewalks and ramps caused by construction or development activity shall be repaired at no cost to the city within 30 days or prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, whichever is earlier.


    Payment in Lieu.


    The Director may authorize a payment to the city in lieu of installation of the required sidewalk if:


    The Director determines the topography of the road frontage or other exceptional condition is such that a special hardship exists on the property. Hardships do not include the lack of an existing sidewalk network, traffic volumes, or travel speeds.


    A development is within the project limits of a designed and funded capital improvement project that will install sidewalk or streetscape, the developer may pay in lieu of building the required sidewalk. All certificates of occupancy will be temporary until project closeout.


    Where the Director determines that a hardship exists, the payment in lieu of installation of sidewalk shall be determined by the Director on a per linear foot per length of public road frontage.


    Funds received pursuant to this subsection shall be deposited in an account of the city and restricted to use for the installation of sidewalks.